Eversheds Sutherland Cybersecurity and Privacy Insights Blog
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Legal Alert: NY DFS Publishes Final Cybersecurity Rules for Financial Services Companies

On March 1, 2017, the New York Department of Financial Services (the DFS) published a notice of adoption of its final cybersecurity regulation (the Final Regulation). The regulation was first announced with much fanfare by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo in September 2016 as the first-in-nation cybersecurity regulation to protect consumers and financial institutions. A substantially...

Report Spells Out Risks for Insurers in Protecting Data

Eversheds Sutherland (US) Partner John Pruitt is quoted in this article by The Wall Street Journal regarding the recently issued report by the U.S. Treasury Department’s Federal Insurance Office, which discusses breaches of consumer data being a significant concern for the insurance industry. Learn more.

Big Data and Cybersecurity: The Federal Insurance Office Explores New Frontiers for Consumer Protection

In their article for the Spring 2017 edition of Partnering Perspectives, Eversheds Sutherland (US) attorneys John Pruitt, Mary Jane Wilson-Bilik and Tony Ficarrotta discuss the Federal Insurance Office’s Report on the Protection of Consumers and Access to Insurance, focusing on the report’s treatment of consumer protection concerns raised by the insurance industry’s use of big data and...

Data Sentinel: The Evolving Role of the Attorney as Protector of Company Data

Data. It is one of your organization’s greatest assets, and a necessary part of doing business. But in today’s financial services environment, it is also a source of one of your organization’s greatest risks. In their article for FinTech Law Report, Sutherland attorneys Michael Steinig and Mary Jane Wilson-Bilik describe the attorney’s evolving role in protecting company data, and...

Pros and Cons of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (the PCI DSS) establishes the self-described minimum data protection measures required of all entities involved in payment card transactions. The PCI DSS consists of 12 basic requirements, along with testing procedures and guidance designed to assist entities in meeting each requirement. The PCI DSS itself is not a law or regulation, and...

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