Eversheds Sutherland Cybersecurity and Privacy Insights Blog
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Wannacry: Avoiding Being Held to Ransom

In recent weeks the disruptive power of ransomware has been displayed in the media, with the prominent strain ‘Wannacrypt’ or ‘Wannacry’ making headlines. High-profile ransomware attacks are not a new thing, last year ‘Locky’, a prolific ransomware strain, targeted 400,000 systems in its first week. Learn more.

Artificial Intelligence: Forcing a New Approach on an Age-Old Institution

To reap the benefits of artificial intelligence and machine learning, we must understand the risks and learn to protect consumers with legal standards that refrain from severely hampering the innovation this technology will bring to the marketplace. Learn more.

Can A.I. Defend Our Financial Institutions Against Hackers?

Eversheds Sutherland (US) Partner Mary Jane Wilson-Bilik is quoted in this Forbes article discussing how artificial intelligence (AI) can defend financial institutions against hackers while also making security more challenging. Learn more.

Can A.I. Defend Our Financial Institutions Against Hackers?

Eversheds Sutherland (US) Partner Mary Jane Wilson-Bilik is quoted in this Forbes article discussing how artificial intelligence (AI) can defend financial institutions against hackers while also making security more challenging. Learn more.

Beware Spear Phishing Emails Sent to EDGAR Filers

Eversheds Sutherland (US) attorney Mark Thibodeaux is quoted in this ACA Insight article discussing how investment advisory firms can protect themselves from malicious emails. The article mentions how the Securities and Exchange Commission recently issued a notice as EDGAR filers have been sent phishing emails by a scammer in an attempt to illegally access their computers and networks....

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