Eversheds Sutherland Cybersecurity and Privacy Insights Blog
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In the spotlight—Cyber resilience and risks around outsourcing

The operational resilience of financial institutions has come under increased scrutiny following a number of recent high-profile IT failures and cyberattacks. Operational resilience itself is much broader than merely IT and cyber events: it covers events ranging from natural disasters to civil unrest, and those impacting critical national and market infrastructure. Learn...

Cybersecurity and Data Privacy review and update: Looking back on 2018 and planning ahead for 2019

From the implementation of the GDPR to the passage of the CCPA, the year 2018 proved to be a monumental one for cybersecurity and data privacy. Regulators from around the world responded to devastating, large-scale cyber-attacks, and a desire for their citizens to have more control over their data, by passing a wide range of regulations aimed at protecting consumer information. These...

Updata – Your quarterly privacy & cybersecurity update

Welcome to the second edition of Updata – the international quarterly update from Eversheds Sutherland’s dedicated Privacy and Cybersecurity team. Updata provides you with a compilation of privacy and cybersecurity regulatory and legal updates from our contributors around the globe over the past quarter. You can find previous editions on our dedicated webpage....

Videocast: Data manipulation–an overview

The next generation of cyber threats—data manipulation attacks—is already here. Increasingly, organizations need not only protect their data from theft and ransomware, but also from subtle changes designed to disrupt, embarrass, extort or even undermine the integrity of systems, companies and institutions. Organizations therefore should consider getting out ahead of this new form of...

Indictment in Massive Iranian Cyberbreach Shows Companies Still Vulnerable

If general counsel fear their companies are vulnerable to cyberattacks from far afield, they have good reason. An indictment unsealed Friday details how hackers hired by the Iranian government broke into computer systems of at least 36 U.S. companies, including technology firms, banks, media companies and a law firm. Learn more.

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