Eversheds Sutherland Cybersecurity and Privacy Insights Blog
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Poland implements comprehensive cybersecurity legislation

Poland is the latest nation to pass extensive cybersecurity legislation that will impact many companies that do business in Poland. The legislation, called the Act on the National Cybersecurity System (ANCS), pertains to critical infrastructure companies and providers of digital services. Any organization that operates within Poland and is designated as one of these types of companies...

Videocast: Data manipulation–an overview

The next generation of cyber threats—data manipulation attacks—is already here. Increasingly, organizations need not only protect their data from theft and ransomware, but also from subtle changes designed to disrupt, embarrass, extort or even undermine the integrity of systems, companies and institutions. Organizations therefore should consider getting out ahead of this new form of...

Are you ready for the next generation of cyberattack?

Of all the attention the recent Helsinki summit generated, one aspect has garnered virtually no coverage, but it has the ability to shake America and its companies to the core – the threat of data manipulation. Read this article to learn about the next generation of cyberattack, including: How hackers will manipulate, doctor and fake data to disrupt businesses and governments, if not...

California’s Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 – The HR Perspective

Businesses with consumers in California may soon find themselves subject to the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (the Act). The Act arrives on the heels of the expansive consumer protections offered by the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and echoes key GDPR concepts such as enhanced transparency and disclosure obligations regarding personal data.  However, as...

Indictment in Massive Iranian Cyberbreach Shows Companies Still Vulnerable

If general counsel fear their companies are vulnerable to cyberattacks from far afield, they have good reason. An indictment unsealed Friday details how hackers hired by the Iranian government broke into computer systems of at least 36 U.S. companies, including technology firms, banks, media companies and a law firm. Learn more.

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