Eversheds Sutherland Cybersecurity and Privacy Insights Blog
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Making Multifactor Authentication Work

Eversheds Sutherland Partner Michael Bahar is quoted in this GCN article providing insight on multifactor authentication for federal agencies. Learn more.

Cyber Kinks In The Global Supply Chain

The more interconnected industry becomes, and the “smarter” our products and supply chains grow, the more efficiencies we capture, and the more market opportunities open up; but, at the same time, the more vulnerable we become to cyber-disruption across the global supply chain. Learn more.

Stand Up, Sit Down, Stand Up: Ninth Circuit Revives Spokeo No-injury Suit

In a decision surely welcomed by the plaintiffs’ bar, the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit held, on August 15, 2017, that a putative class action plaintiff has Article III standing as long as the plaintiff alleges just slightly more than a mere statutory violation. The case, Robins v. Spokeo, was on remand from the United States Supreme Court following that Court’s well-known...

The Regulatory Bellwether: Forecasting Cyber Breach Litigation

While the prospects of cybersecurity litigation loom ever larger, there are tangible ways that may very well decrease the unease and mitigate the risk—if you know where to look. Learn more.

FCRA Violations Lead to Record-Breaking $60 Million Verdict

On June 19, a jury sitting in federal court in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California awarded plaintiffs $60 million after finding that the defendant, TransUnion, LLC, violated provisions of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). This is reported to be the largest jury award on record for FCRA violations. The case is Ramirez v. Trans Union, LLC.  ...

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