Eversheds Sutherland Cybersecurity and Privacy Insights Blog
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Congress and Supreme Court Face Tough Tests on Privacy and Security

The line between security and privacy is difficult to draw. However, it must be drawn and regularly redrawn as circumstances and the world change. At the same time, overdrawing the line, or drawing it in a vacuum, can cause the delicate balance to tip in a way that undermines both privacy and security. In their article for The Hill, Eversheds Sutherland Partner Michael Bahar and...

Is Your Firm Cyber Secure?

Eversheds Sutherland Partner Brian Rubin is quoted in this Financial Advisor article regarding the US Securities and Exchange Commission’s creation of its Cyber Unit and how broker-dealers and investment advisors should be on high alert. “I’m aware of exams that are going on by both the SEC and FINRA, and I think it’s just a matter of time before enforcement referrals are made,” said...

SEC and States Are Upping Their Cyber Game, Are You Doing the Same?

With the creation of the Cyber Unit, the SEC is beefing up its technical expertise and demonstrating that it too will evolve and adapt as cybersecurity threats become more advanced. The agency is making it increasingly clear that it expects those it regulates to up their games as well. The unit will function as part of the SEC’s Enforcement Division to target misconduct along six...

Eversheds Sutherland Partner Brian Rubin Selected to Serve in National Society of Compliance Professionals Leadership Role

Eversheds Sutherland is pleased to announce that Partner Brian L. Rubin has been selected to join the National Society of Compliance Professionals (NSCP) Board of Directors. A longtime member of the NSCP and a frequent writer for its premier journal, NSCP Currents, the organization recently confirmed Mr. Rubin’s appointment by a unanimous vote. More than 2,000 financial service...

Legislative Efforts in the Wake of Maritime Cyberattacks

In June, the maritime industry experienced what many consider a particularly insidious form of cyberattack known as GPS Spoofing, where global positioning system data is subtly manipulated to the point of grave inaccuracy. According to the US Maritime Administration, at least 20 ships in the Black Sea were affected. While at sea, these ships erroneously reported positions at an airport...

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