Eversheds Sutherland Cybersecurity and Privacy Insights Blog
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Mnuchin: Bitcoin firms subject to anti-laundering rules

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin on Friday warned traders and firms offering services related to cryptocurrencies like bitcoin that anti-money-laundering and know-your-customer rules apply to them — and regulators are watching closely. Learn more.

Senators Warren and Warner Introduce Cybersecurity Bill Aimed at Consumer Reporting Agencies

Senators Warren (D-Mass.) and Warner (D-Va.) introduced a bill today that would establish an Office of Cybersecurity at the FTC, charged with promulgating cybersecurity regulations and monitoring security of consumer reporting agencies, such as Equifax, require consumer reporting agencies to notify the FTC within 10 days of a breach, and impose strict liability penalties for breaches...

The Cyber Shot Across the Bow: Data Manipulation and GPS Spoofing

In September 2015, then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper warned that the next “push of the envelope” in cybersecurity might be attacks that change or manipulate electronic information in order to compromise its accuracy or reliability. Two years later, we may now be seeing the very beginning of such insidious attacks in the form of GPS spoofing—a technique that sends...

SEC Enforcement: Where do we come from? Where are we going?

In Dan Brown’s latest best-seller, “Origin,” he explores the questions: (1) Where do we come from (meaning, how did life get formed)? and (2) Where are we going (or, how will we evolve)? While the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Division of Enforcement’s “Annual Report, A Look Back at 2017” is no “Origin,” “The Da Vinci Code” or even...

Another attempt at a federal breach notification law

A group of Democratic senators, led by Bill Nelson of Florida, are trying once again to get a national data breach notification law passed. As in 2015, the proposed law is styled the Data Security and Breach Notification Act. The text of the 2017 version appears broadly the same as the 2015 version. Of particular note, in light of recent revelations about Uber’s alleged paying of...

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