Eversheds Sutherland Cybersecurity and Privacy Insights Blog
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Updata – Your quarterly privacy & cybersecurity update

Welcome to the second edition of Updata – the international quarterly update from Eversheds Sutherland’s dedicated Privacy and Cybersecurity team. Updata provides you with a compilation of privacy and cybersecurity regulatory and legal updates from our contributors around the globe over the past quarter. You can find previous editions on our dedicated webpage....

Vietnam sheds light on impending cybersecurity law

Vietnam recently issued a draft decree that clarifies the scope of its impending cybersecurity law and its impact on foreign businesses. The law is set to go into effect on January 1, 2019, though the implementation of certain requirements that impact foreign companies the most will likely be delayed. Unlike other cybersecurity and data privacy laws passed this year, which were...

India’s highest court defends data privacy

India’s Supreme Court recently issued a holding that increases the data privacy protection that businesses operating in India must provide. The holding strikes down the portion of Section 57 of the Aadhaar Act that had previously allowed businesses to require national ID numbers, known as Aadhaar numbers, for “any purpose.” The industries most impacted by this ruling will likely be...

DOE Creates Cybersecurity Office

The Department of Energy (DOE) has created a new office for energy security and cybersecurity. The Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response (CESER) will work on energy infrastructure protection and DOE’s role in national security. As Secretary of Energy Rick Perry noted in his statement regarding the creation of the office, “DOE plays a vital role in protecting...

DoT to Unveil Revised Autonomous Vehicle Regulations

At the Detroit auto show, Secretary Chao announced that the Department of Transportation will release revised self-driving vehicle regulations this summer. The regulations are expected encompass trucks and transit vehicles in addition to automobiles. Learn more.

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