Eversheds Sutherland Cybersecurity and Privacy Insights Blog
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Big Data and Cybersecurity: The Federal Insurance Office Explores New Frontiers for Consumer Protection

In their article for the Spring 2017 edition of Partnering Perspectives, Eversheds Sutherland (US) attorneys John Pruitt, Mary Jane Wilson-Bilik and Tony Ficarrotta discuss the Federal Insurance Office’s Report on the Protection of Consumers and Access to Insurance, focusing on the report’s treatment of consumer protection concerns raised by the insurance industry’s use of big data and...

DHS to Clarify Liability Protections for Companies Sharing Cyber-threat Indicators

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) intends to issue revised guidance that will clarify liability protections for companies sharing cyber-threat indicators among themselves, and will reissue guidance on information sharing with non-federal entities under the Cybersecurity Act of 2015. DHS intends to revise the initial guidance issued in February to reflect the industry feedback...

DHS Announces Public Hearings and Requests Comments on Handling of Critical Infrastructure Information

  The Department of Homeland Security (“DHS”) announced that it will hold a series of public hearings and request comments on revising its regulations regarding the handling of protected critical-infrastructure information (“PCII”) in an automated and electronic format.  According to the notice published in the Federal Register, DHS is requesting comments on revising its rules...

Energy Bill Addressing Cyber Issues Passes Senate

The Energy Modernization Act, a comprehensive energy bill that includes electric grid cyber protections, was passed by the Senate by an 85-12 vote. The bill includes language that gives the Department of Energy greater authority to intervene in cyber emergencies as well as language that protects cyber threat data from public disclosure by classifying the data as “critical...

President Establishes Federal Cybersecurity Commission

The President has established a Commission on Enhancing National Cybersecurity within the Department of Commerce. Under a Feb. 9, 2016 executive order, the new advisory commission will consist of 12 members appointed by the President. The goal of the Commission will be to make detailed recommendations for actions that can be taken over the next decade to “strengthen cybersecurity in...

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