Eversheds Sutherland Cybersecurity and Privacy Insights Blog
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Plan of Defense: White House Issues Executive Order on Cybersecurity

On May 11, 2017, President Trump signed an Executive Order (EO) on “Strengthening the Cybersecurity of Federal Networks and Critical Infrastructure.” The EO provides a blueprint for how the Administration will approach certain cybersecurity vulnerabilities, at least in the near-term. The EO requires a number of reports on cybersecurity risk management, pledges support to owners and...

Plan of Defense: White House Issues Executive Order on Cybersecurity

On May 11, 2017, President Trump signed an Executive Order (EO) on “Strengthening the Cybersecurity of Federal Networks and Critical Infrastructure.” The EO provides a blueprint for how the Administration will approach certain cybersecurity vulnerabilities, at least in the near-term. The EO requires a number of reports on cybersecurity risk management, pledges support to owners and...

Legal Alert: NY DFS Publishes Final Cybersecurity Rules for Financial Services Companies

On March 1, 2017, the New York Department of Financial Services (the DFS) published a notice of adoption of its final cybersecurity regulation (the Final Regulation). The regulation was first announced with much fanfare by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo in September 2016 as the first-in-nation cybersecurity regulation to protect consumers and financial institutions. A substantially...

Addressing Data Privacy Concerns in NHTSA V2V Rules

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recently issued a notice of proposed rulemaking that would require vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications capabilities in all new light vehicles starting two model years after the final rule is adopted. If adopted, this rule would enable cars to generate and receive an enormous amount of data from and about every new car on...

Report Spells Out Risks for Insurers in Protecting Data

Eversheds Sutherland (US) Partner John Pruitt is quoted in this article by The Wall Street Journal regarding the recently issued report by the U.S. Treasury Department’s Federal Insurance Office, which discusses breaches of consumer data being a significant concern for the insurance industry. Learn more.

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