Eversheds Sutherland Cybersecurity and Privacy Insights Blog
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Stand Up, Sit Down, Stand Up: Ninth Circuit Revives Spokeo No-injury Suit

In a decision surely welcomed by the plaintiffs’ bar, the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit held, on August 15, 2017, that a putative class action plaintiff has Article III standing as long as the plaintiff alleges just slightly more than a mere statutory violation. The case, Robins v. Spokeo, was on remand from the United States Supreme Court following that Court’s well-known...

NAIC Takes Major Step Toward Final Approval of Insurance Data Security Model Law

In a flurry of approvals last week, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) took substantial steps toward finalizing its proposed Insurance Data Security Model Law during the 2017 NAIC Summer National Meeting in Philadelphia. The Model Law establishes minimum cybersecurity standards consistent with New York’s cybersecurity regulation. The approval of the Model Law by...

What European Financial Institutions need to know about New York’s Cybersecurity Regulations

From 28 August 2017, banks, insurers, and other financial institutions operating in New York will be required to comply with the New York Department of Financial Services (“NYDFS”) Cybersecurity Requirements for Financial Services Companies (the “Regulations”). Finalized on March 1, 2017, firms had 180 days from the effective date to comply with the core requirements of the...

The FTC is Watching When Your Children’s Toys are Listening

In his article published by The Hill, Eversheds Sutherland (US) Partner Michael Bahar provides insight on the recent Federal Trade Commission (FTC) update to its Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) compliance plan. The update is the latest in a series of regulatory moves to bring attention to the serious cybersecurity and data privacy issues latent in the ever-expanding...

UK Data Regulator Reveals Sweeping International Strategy

The UK is committed to promoting itself as a global data protection gateway, with high standards of data protection law and practice, according to the UK Information Commissioner’s Office’s (ICO) newly released international strategy for effectively protecting the public’s personal information over the next four years. Learn more. 

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