Eversheds Sutherland Cybersecurity and Privacy Insights Blog
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NAIC Proposed Insurance Data Security Model Law Explained

Eversheds Sutherland’s legal alert, NAIC Takes Major Step Toward Final Approval of Insurance Data Security Model Law, was featured in this article for Captive.com.  

What European Financial Institutions need to know about New York’s Cybersecurity Regulations

From 28 August 2017, banks, insurers, and other financial institutions operating in New York will be required to comply with the New York Department of Financial Services (“NYDFS”) Cybersecurity Requirements for Financial Services Companies (the “Regulations”). Finalized on March 1, 2017, firms had 180 days from the effective date to comply with the core requirements of the...

EU-U.S. Privacy Shield – Full Text Released

On February 29, 2016, the European Commission released the text of the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield. The text reveals the details of a new framework that will place stronger obligations on U.S. companies to protect the personal data of EU citizens. It will also involve heightened compliance requirements and authorizes enforcement measures by the U.S. Department of Commerce (Commerce) and the...

EU-US Privacy Shield: European Union and U.S. Reach Agreement in Principle for New Data Transfer Framework – But Uncertainty Remains

On February 2, 2016, the European Commission (EC) and the U.S. Department of Commerce (Commerce) announced that they had reached agreement on a new data transfer safe harbor arrangement for the transfer of personal data from Europe to the U.S. The new safe harbor pact, called the EU-US Privacy Shield, was negotiated in the wake of the EU Court of Justice’s (CJEU) decision in October...

They’re Baaaack . . . SECs Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations Releases New Cybersecurity Risk Alert

Yesterday, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations (OCIE) released a Risk Alert describing OCIE’s 2015 cybersecurity exam initiative.  [link to www.sec.gov/ocie/announcement/ocie-2015-cybersecurity-examination-initiative.pdf].  As the Risk Alert notes, OCIE’s new cybersecurity initiative builds on information OCIE learned from...

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