Eversheds Sutherland Cybersecurity and Privacy Insights Blog
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FinCEN advisory highlights increased cybercrime risks during COVID-19

FinCEN Advisory Zeroes in on Opportunistic Cybercrime During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Cybercriminals are hard at work taking advantage of weaknesses in remote processing; FinCEN issues Advisory highlighting red flags that compliance officers should be familiar with to help shore up compliance gaps; Advisory issuance signals possible increased attention by FinCEN on these crimes and...

The seismic shift of Schrems ll and what you can still do to transfer personal data to the US from the EU

If you transfer data from the EU to the US, or if your trusted service providers do, the Schrems II European Court decision has seismic significance— even if you do not rely on Privacy Shield, recent FAQs issued by the European Data Protection Board further highlight the changes: The FAQs provide further clarification on whether there is a “grace period” for those companies...

Your quarterly privacy & cybersecurity update

Welcome to the eighth edition of Updata! Updata is an international report produced by Eversheds Sutherland’s dedicated Privacy and Cybersecurity team – it provides you with a compilation of key privacy and cybersecurity regulatory and legal developments from the past quarter. This edition covers April to June 2020 and is full of newsworthy items from our team members around the globe,...

Coronavirus – Data Protection considerations for alternative communication platforms – Global

Because of coronavirus, more and more companies are closing down their locations and relocating business operations to home offices. As a result, the way of communication among employees is changing. While the latest technology greatly facilitates these remote communications, there are important privacy and cybersecurity considerations, which we discuss in this article. Learn...

Cybersecurity and coronavirus—Guarding against hackers in this heightened risk environment

Hackers thrive amidst confusion and distraction, so it is important that with all the focus on coronavirus, companies—including their lawyers—remain on guard against cyber attacks. This Alert provides a series of quick, simple and crucial steps companies can take to improve cyber preparedness and response, including: Ensure employees are reminded of the critical need for cyber hygiene,...

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