Eversheds Sutherland Cybersecurity and Privacy Insights Blog
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California’s GDPR has become law

The California legislature passed the California Consumer Privacy Act, a sweeping new law that imposes stringent new GDPR-style privacy standards across sectors. Beginning in January 2020, California consumers will be granted new rights regarding how businesses collect and use their personal data, including a “right-to-be-forgotten” in certain circumstances. The law applies to...

The SEC wants companies to talk about cybersecurity

On February 21, 2018, the Securities and Exchange Commission issued an interpretive release providing important guidance to certain registrants on cybersecurity disclosure. The guidance makes clear its view that material risks or incidents related to cybersecurity fall within a company’s ongoing obligation to disclose material information in current and periodic reports. The guidance...

Helping it click into place – Our monthly Asia cybersecurity update

During 2017, cyberattacks continued to evolve and develop sophistication, exploiting both previously unidentified vulnerabilities and known vulnerabilities in new ways. Ransomware attacks such as Petya and WannaCry put critical functions across the world and across industries on hold, while the Mirai botnet attack, unleashed in late 2016, highlighted the increasing vulnerabilities of...

Mnuchin: Bitcoin firms subject to anti-laundering rules

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin on Friday warned traders and firms offering services related to cryptocurrencies like bitcoin that anti-money-laundering and know-your-customer rules apply to them — and regulators are watching closely. Learn more.

Senators Warren and Warner Introduce Cybersecurity Bill Aimed at Consumer Reporting Agencies

Senators Warren (D-Mass.) and Warner (D-Va.) introduced a bill today that would establish an Office of Cybersecurity at the FTC, charged with promulgating cybersecurity regulations and monitoring security of consumer reporting agencies, such as Equifax, require consumer reporting agencies to notify the FTC within 10 days of a breach, and impose strict liability penalties for breaches...

Cybersecurity in Germany

In their article for International Comparative Legal Guide (ICLG), Eversheds Sutherland attorneys discuss various topics surrounding cybersecurity in Germany. Learn more.

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