Cybersecurity for Securities Firms: Batten Down the Hatches and Get Your Shark Cage Ready Because “Only the Paranoid Survive.”
Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water and have a quiet summer, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Commissioner Luis Aguilar hoisted the warning flags. At the end of June, he gave a wide-ranging speech addressing a number of cyber-related problems facing the securities industry.
In their article for Law360, “Cybersecurity for Brokers: ‘Only the Paranoid Survive,'” and just in time for the 40th anniversary of Jaws, Sutherland attorneys Brian L. Rubin and Charles M. Kruly analyze Mr. Aguilar’s speech and discuss how it was particularly noteworthy for securities firms trying to stay afloat in the (cyber) shark-infested waters of today’s technology-driven world.
View the full article.