PCI DSS – What It Is and Why It Is Relevant to Your Business
Increasingly, companies are raising questions about PCI-DSS and its applicability to their businesses. This Legal Alert summarizes the basic aspects of PCI-DSS and its application.
What is PCI DSS?
The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard—or PCI DSS—sets out the minimum data protection measures required of all entities involved in payment card processing. The Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council (the PCI Security Standards Council) maintains the PCI DSS as part of its mission to improve payment account data security by encouraging the adoption of consistent data security measures. The PCI Security Standards Council is led by a policy-setting Executive Committee, composed of representatives of the Council’s five founding members – American Express, Discover, JCB International, MasterCard and Visa. Each founding member has agreed to incorporate the PCI DSS requirements into its data security compliance programs.
View the full Legal Alert – http://www.sutherland.com/NewsCommentary/Legal-Alerts/184270/Legal-Alert-PCI-DSS-What-It-Is-and-Why-It-Is-Relevant-to-Your-Business